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About Women Οn Top

What is WoT?

WoT is an organisation for the professional & economic empowerment of women and gender equality & inclusion in the workplace. Our vision: a world where women and girls have the chance to become all that they can and want to be. Our mission: to help ensure equal opportunities for all women in their public lives, by empowering them and creating positive change in their educational, professional, and social environments.

Our values


We prioritize reliability and transparency towards our team, beneficiaries, volunteers and strategic partners.


We seek new knowledge, we are open to different ideas and practices, and we are not afraid to move forward.


We believe in caring and the power of collaboration, which is why we create inclusive and safe communities where every person can foster their own positive change.


We pay attention to detail and plan our actions to maximize our positive impact.


Our story

In 2012 we founded Women On Top as a mentoring network where every woman, from any industry, level of experience or geographical area, could find a mentor to support her when facing challenges in her professional life. This community, which was born out of our own needs and experiences, began to expand, as we added skills development courses and networking initiatives for thousands of women. Gradually, our contact with beneficiaries of the organisation as well as the public dialogue broadening around us pushed us to expand our action to interventions that would contribute to gradual yet concrete change – not just in the potential of the women themselves but also in the socioeconomic environment in which they grow and create. Today, we systematically build partnerships with companies, organisations, institutions, and other communities, aimed at establishing a more equal and inclusive labour market for all.

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Our action

We design and implement actions to promote women’s professional and economic empowerment, to nurture an inclusive work culture, to establish policies for equity in businesses and organisations, and to raise awareness on a range of gender issues amongst decision makers and the wider public.


Women On Top Abroad

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Women On Top partners up with the European Women On Boards NGO and inaugurates the very start of the Greek chapter of EWOB.



Women On Top is an active member of the European WEgate community for the promotion of female entrepreneurship.



Women On Top is an active member of the MenEngage international network for promoting social change and gender equality.



WoT is an educational partner of the Share program, promoting work/life balance in businesses.

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WoT is a member of the Greek-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Our impact




active mentors


participants in professional &
empowerment seminars


partnerships with companies
and organisations


5500 trained staff