
Sexual harassment

Sexual Harassment

According to ActionAid’s survey, 85% of women in Greece have experienced sexual harassment at work. The cost – moral, physical, mental, communicational and financial, is enormous.

Sexual harassment and violence in the workplace has adverse consequences, both for individuals who experience it and for those who witness such incidents, for their teams, for the companies they work for, and for society as a whole.

Preventing and addressing sexual harassment at the workplace is not just an issue concerning women, the law or leaders, but it is an issue that should concern each and every one of us, in terms of our wish to work and to grow in a safe professional environment.


ActionAid, in collaboration with Women On Top, the Gender Studies Laboratory of Panteion University, the Human Resources Management Association of Greece and DATAWO, implement the “Safe at Work” program, which provides tools to businesses and organizations to help them take a stand against sexual harassment, by creating educational material and training executives and workers across the private and public sector.

Find out about your company’s legal obligations to protect your employees, but also about the practical steps you can take as an employer, HR manager or team leader to ensure a safe environment of equality and respect for all.


Here you can find seminars and manuals for preventing & combating sexual harassment at work, tools that will help you cultivate a culture of safety and respect in your workplace.



Women On Top, in collaboration with ActionAid, organized a free online training seminar on preventing and combating sexual harassment at work, for the tourism sector.

The aim of the seminar is to ensure that all people involved in the labor market have the tools to prevent and combat sexual harassment, manage any problematic behaviors and support victims of sexual harassment in their work environment.

See all Safe At Work seminars.


The project “Safe at Work” is implemented under the Active citizens fund programme, with ActionAid Hellas as the implementing body, and with Women on Top, the Research Committee of Panteion University, the Greek People Management Association and DataWo as partners.

The Active citizens fund programme, of €13.5 million, is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) funding mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The programme aims to strengthen and enhance the sustainability of civil society and highlight its role in promoting democratic procedures, to strengthen active citizenship and to defend human rights. The Fund Operator for the Active Citizens Fund in Greece is Bodossaki Foundation in consortium with SolidarityNow. Read more here: www.activecitizensfund.gr