
Female Founders Hub


A community of development and mutual support for women entrepreneurs
What is the Female Founder Hub about?

The Female Founders Hub is a community of female entrepreneurs from all over Greece that offers its members training, empowerment and networking opportunities, as well as access to funding, mentoring and coaching.

The community hosts female entrepreneurs with 2+ years of experience, who want to grow personally and professionally, benefit and contribute to a community of visionaries, and achieve the next goals they set out for their business.


How can you benefit from the action of FFH?

  1. By becoming a member of the Hub, through the GROW package, which includes 11 (10 online and 1 in-person) training, empowerment and networking meetings per year, an annual mentoring partnership, as well as meetings with funding agencies. The participation fee for the GROW package is 100 euros/year (12 months). Your subscription is valid for 12 months, while registrations remain open throughout the year.
  2. Through one of the thematic circles that will be announced during each year, which will focus on specific fields of entrepreneurship or specific goals you want to achieve for your business. For some of these cycles, our supporters and sponsors will offer scholarships to interested entrepreneurs. Stay tuned for the announcement of the next rounds.
  3. By subscribing for free to FFH’s monthly newsletter, which is dedicated to your business development.

Register for the GROW package here


What do the FFH meetings entail?

  • Live networking events
  • Monthly online fireside chats with experts from the fields of technology, communication, leadership, sustainability and finance
  • “Ask the coaches” sessions, where WoT’s business coaches suggest tools, practices, and the right questions to ask you and your team, in order to get even closer to your business goals
  • “Ask the mentors” sessions, where WoT mentors answer questions posed by the members of the community
  • Networking events with representatives from different funding agencies to learn more and evaluate different forms of funding for your business
  • Training webinars, with topics that will meet the needs of your business, from the goals of your business plan and the management of your finances, to the creation & management of your team, and the technological tools you will need to develop your business!

Watch the first community fireside chat with Leontien van den Brink, who through her company Pan con Tomate, supports other businesses to find or revise their goals and vision and build a communication strategy that will focus on and highlight this vision.


In the second FFH meeting, we discuss with Eva Karamargiou, HR Manager at Intrum Customer Services Athens, and Angeliki Stathis, People Operations Specialist at Pop Market, about how small and medium-sized businesses can start building tools, processes and teams, the challenges they are going to face, as well as how to overcome them.


At the third FFH meeting, Nikos Pavlakos, Co-Founder & CEO of Orientum, talks about the Scaling-Up method, so you can learn how you can organize and develop your business without a) working 24/7, b) losing its personal character and c) take a lot of risk.


At the last FFH meeting, Stella Kasdagli, Co-Founder of Women On Top and Author, spoke about professional networking (for those who hate networking!). In this video, you will learn how to network professionally and effectively, what are the benefits of networking, how you can deal with the stress it may cause you, and how to use it to achieve your goals.


In the last FFH fireside chat that took place in summer, Galini Iliopoulou, Occupational Psychologist & HR Consultant, shared important steps that will help you manage your team more effectively.


At the last meeting of the Female Founders Hub, Georgia Tsiamanta, Technology and Digital Transformation Consultant, shared with us valuable secrets about which technology services, products and tools are the ones that can really transform your business and make it more efficient, sustainable and profitable.


At the last meeting of the Female Founders Hub, Stella Kasdagli, co-founder of WoT, shares tools and lots of hands-on opportunities on how to pitch your business or idea in a short amount of time and in a way that makes prospective funders, partners, collaborators and all kinds of supporters want to know more.


At the last meeting of the Female Founders Hub, Thalia Rizou, Director of the among organization, presents tips, practical tools and good practices on time management, specifically for entrepreneurs managing multiple projects.


Why should I join an entrepreneur community?

Why not? Or, in other words:
When you acquire the knowledge and tools you need to grow, then you have a much better chance of achieving the goals you set. However, when you also find yourself in a community with other women who are on the same wavelength, want to join forces to support each other and want to learn from each other's experience, then any business goal you set can become a reality - and you can enjoy yourself in the meantime!

How do I find out about Female Founders Hub themed circles?

Upcoming cycles will be announced on the site, our social media and of course through the monthly FFH Newsletter. If you don’t already follow us, you can do so on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok!

What is the POWER UP package that was included in the original announcement?

POWER UP is a package that gives access to the FFH Mastermind Group in addition to the 11 aforementioned meetings. The FFH Mastermind Group is a closed group of female entrepreneurs who join forces online once a month with the aim of working in depth on their business challenges and creating a tight, active circle of mutual support and exchange of advice, tools, opinions and knowledge.

Registration for this package closed on December 1st, but you’ll have another chance to express your interest next year!

Are there selection criteria for the Female Founders Hub?

To join the Female Founders Hub you must be a female entrepreneur, with 3+ years of business experience, and a willingness to grow.

Can I opt-in whenever I want?

The answer is yes! Applications for the GROW package, which includes 11 meetings per year, are still open and memberships last for 12 months.

Can I take part in FFH while I'm away?

Of course! The Female Founders Hub is a community of female entrepreneurs from all over Greece. So not only you can, but we welcome the participation of women from any region, even from outside the country.