Girls for Change: An empowerment circle for teenage girls
Have you ever thought how much more prepared and confident you would be for the difficult and important transition from childhood to adulthood, if you were part of an empowerment cycle when you were a teenager?

What is Girls for Change about?
Women On Top is well aware that many girls, on their journey from childhood to adulthood, are confronted with gender stereotypes and prejudices from their social, educational and family environment, about the roles they can and/or should take on, and the expectations that come with it. One of the consequences of gender inequalities entrenched in childhood and adolescence is the “confidence gap” that appears in girls aged 11-16, which prevents them as teenagers, and later, as young women, from claiming the life they dreamt of, free of gender barriers and prejudices.
For this reason, WoT creates empowerment circles for teenage girls aged 14-17, which consists of 6 two-hour workshops with a strong experiential and practical character that goes beyond theory, as they focus on practical tools, targeted activities and experience sharing. This gives participants the opportunity to cultivate new skills and manage the challenges they face more effectively from the beginning.

What do the workshops entail?
During the experiential workshops, the participants have the opportunity to strengthen their safety net, to get in touch with each other, to question and express themselves on issues concerning the sense of their image (internal and external), their relationship with their body, their friendships, their place in the family, but also their place in public life in general. They also have the opportunity to question themselves in relation to their personal history, their desires and their dreams for the future.
Each participant can thus shape their entire story for themselves and the new paths that will lead them to adulthood, strengthening their self-confidence and acquiring practical tools to manage challenges with greater determination.
The first cycle of Girls for Change has already been completed, while the next ones will be announced soon! You can stay informed about Girls for Change through the bimonthly #G4C newsletter.