- Website Use
Use of the Website and the services it provides is subject to acceptance of the Terms of Use described here, which is presumed by such use. By accessing the Website and using this Webpage, its contents and services, you accept the Terms of Use and Cookies Policy. Please carefully read the Terms of Use and contact us for any clarifications at info@womenontop.gr.
- Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
All texts, designs, pictures, graphic art, audio files, animation files, image files and their placement and layout on the Webpage are protected by the applicable laws on intellectual property rights. The intellectual property rights belong exclusively to Women On Top Civil Non-Profit Company or its affiliated companies or the natural persons and companies and organisations from which it has obtained a licence to use content on the Webpage.
It is explicitly prohibited to reproduce, republish, rebroadcast, redistribute or modify any text, article, research and general information from this Webpage using any electronic or not, print or other media. The webpage may contain images, texts or other information, the intellectual property rights of which belong to third parties. When the content of the Website is used, especially in case of reference to information or data, or publication of texts, information and any data, it is mandatory to reference the source.
Users are given access to digital content for their own exclusive use. Upon accepting the Terms of Use, non-commercial use and reproduction of the contents is permitted, provided that the material being reproduced in then available for free on the Internet or via other suitable media, and is accompanied by an honest and explicit reference to the source. Any other use requires the written permission of the Company and/or intellectual property right holder.
Unless otherwise stated, all rights and trademarks and/or logos referenced or appearing on this Webpage belong to Women On Top.
- Links to other websites
The Webpage may provide access to other webpages. WoT is not responsible for the contents, availability, operation and performance of said webpages. Moreover, their content is not in any way binding for WoT, whereas any citation or reference to them on the Webpage does not, in any case, constitute and should not be construed as approval, or unreserved recommendation to use these webpages.
- Registration
The Webpage allows any visitor to register in order to receive informational material about WoT actions and subjects there are interested in, e.g. via the newsletter. During registration, users define and submit their full name and electronic address, also stating that the provided address exists and is valid, and that they have full and exclusive control and responsibility over it. The Company is not responsible for any damage due to possible access of third parties to their emails.
Acceptance of the Terms of Use of this Webpage on the part of the users and submission of their email address, constitutes an unreserved consent to WoT to use said email address for the purposes for which it was given.
Users may have their details deleted by sending a relevant request, via email, to the Webpage contact email at info@womenontop.gr.
- Company Obligations – Limitation of Liability
The Company is not responsible for the contents and information posted on the Webpage. Users recognise and agree that the content is provided “as is”, without guarantees of any type, whether direct or indirect, and, more specifically, without guarantees as to: a) the continuity of service; b) the availability, reliability, completeness or accuracy of the information associated with the service or content; c) the suitability of use for specific purposes; d) the fact that services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or infallible.
This limitation of liability clause applies to any damage that may be caused by inability or failure to provide the service; mistake, omission, interruption, fault of delay in the broadcast or service; computer viruses or other malware; electronic communications failure, etc.
WoT undertakes to provide notifications for any modifications or changes, by posting an announcement on the Webpage. Use of the Webpage following such a modification, will be construed as acceptance of the changes, amendments, additions or deletions.
The services provided and general content does not constitute business or other type of advice, and do not form or include any type of call to action; on the contrary, it is explicitly stated that it is merely informational.
Under no circumstances, including the case of negligence, is WoT responsible for any type of damage users may suffer because of potential mistakes or omissions of information, related to the accuracy and reliability of the above information and data, or any damage arising directly or indirectly from use of the above information.
In case of non-authorised use of the Webpage, the user is obligated to compensate WoT, its employees, executives and associates in relation to any loss, expense, damage and cost, including possible expenses of legal advisors, which may arise from the violation of these Terms and Conditions of Use of this Webpage on the part of the user.
- Special Terms
This is the entire agreement between WoT and the Webpage users, and is binding only for these two parties. No modification to this Terms shall be taken into consideration and shall be part of this agreement unless it is expressed in writing and incorporated in the agreement. WoT reserves for itself the right of subsequently and unilaterally amending/revoking/repealing part or the entire Terms and Conditions, without notification and taking effect from the time when the corresponding new wording of the Terms and Conditions of Use is posted on the Webpage.
WoT reserves the right to modify the services and Pricing Policy, on condition that a relevant notification is posted on the Webpage.
WoT is not responsible for any claims of civil and/or criminal nature from the user or any third parties, for reasons related to the operation or not of the Webpage, or for the temporary inability to provide services.
- Applicable Law – Jurisdiction
The aforementioned Terms and Conditions of Use of the Webpage, as well as any subsequent amendments, are governed and supplemented by Greek and European Union Laws and relevant International Conventions. Any provision of the aforementioned terms which is rendered contrary to the law is considered invalid and inactive, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms.
Any dispute, conflict or controversy that may arise from the implementation or interpretation of these Terms will be resolved via Mediation, facilitated by a specially trained and certified Mediator, according to the provisions of Law 4640/2019. In case when the parties in conflict enter into Mediation, but an agreement is not reached, then any party is free to start legal proceedings; the competent courts shall be the Courts of Athens.