

Our tools

We believe that when the vision and capabilities of individuals and teams are combined with information and knowledge, long-term change occurs. That’s why we design tools, collect data, create methodologies and propose policies that can help businesses, organizations and individuals take initiative and overcome the most persistent challenges in the field of gender equality and inclusion.

Published tools

News, Tools |

Employability handbook for the Energy sector

This tool was created as part of Ready for Work at Engineering, Women On Top's specialized employability skills program for women looking for their first or second job in the energy sector, organized with the support of Motor Oil Group. With this program, 30 young women who are about to graduate or have already graduated from Engineering Schools, were equipped with the necessary tools and developed the skills they need to succeed in the Energy field.

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Diagnostic tool & suggestions for gender mainstreaming in organizations

The guide includes a self-diagnostic tool, which helps organizations assess their structure internally in terms of their gender mainstreaming level, in their programs and operations. Then, based on the results, up to 10 easily applicable suggestions and practices are provided to strengthen gender equality in the processes followed, and to improve the practices used to promote women's social entrepreneurship.

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Safe at Work | Training Manual for Staff

This handbook covers what sexual harassment is and isn't, the context in which it can occur, and the ways in which we can deal with it when we are put in a difficult position. It also includes how we should behave at work, to foster inclusion and respect, how we can set our own boundaries, along with small but important rules of conduct that will help us not to violate, even unintentionally, the boundaries of our colleagues. Finally, the handbook closes with the myths that we need to debunk if we want to make a meaningful contribution to addressing the phenomenon of sexual harassment at work.

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Lessons from Norway and Iceland on equality in business

Since January 2021 at Women On Top we have been closely following the long-term efforts and progress of Norway and Iceland on the issue of the gender gap at work. Our study was carried out in the context of the project "Gender equality in the corporate world: what can we learn from Norway and Iceland about empowering women in business", through which we attempt to understand and record the practices and methods that helped the Norway and Iceland consistently top the rankings for gender equality in Europe.