
3rd WoT Summer Camp | 2018

calendar icon 11 June 2018 — 22 June 2018
calendar icon 10:00 — 20:00
Event category: Seminars

Women On Top’s Summer Camp is a series of workshops for professional (and not only) empowerment, that will help you bring your best self to work and make it easier to deal with the changes you are willing to make in your career: to find a job, to find another position, to earn more money, to have more free time, to take a new step in your career, to build your teams confidence, to make your daily routine calmer, more productive and more pleasant.

But it doesn’t end there: it is also an opportunity to make connections, to find inspiration and support from a community of women who are always looking for the best – and all this without having to find an answer to the hard question “But where will I leave the kids” (if you have any). At WoT we believe that children and parents can deserve to develop side by side: this is why we seek to keep the little ones (aged 0 -12) occupied for however long their mum is improving her (but also theirs) potentials.

Some of the subjects that will be included in this year’s Summer Camp are:

  • Promoting our jobs online
  • Assertiveness and successful negotiations
  • Networking for those who hate networking
  • Designing financial ideas
  • Occupational orientation
  • Time management

…and much more.

Scroll down to read in detail about the week’s program, the cost, and the guest speakers.

We will be waiting for you!

Click here to register to one or more Summer Camp’s seminars.


When: Everyday 11-15/6, from 17:00 – 20:00, and 18-22/06, from 10:00-13:00.
Where: At the art venue -Ismos, Eupatridon 17 & Triptolemou, Gazi
– 1 seminar: 40 euros & VAT
– 3 seminars: 100 euros & VAT
– 5 seminars: 150 euros & VAT
– All of Summer Camps seminars: 250 euros & VAT
– 5 euro per hour for the creative pastime of each child (0-12 years old)

[We have seen the most amazing results in women who decide to invest in one or two weeks in their professional and personal education and empowerment. Giving yourself the message that you are set to make the change, in combination with the fact that you are daily in the presence of women with similar goals, dreams and needs as you, you will finally win an experience of transformation – try it!]

A 10% discount is applied to the above prices for those who are unemployed and carry an unemployment card and to those who pay by the 1st of June and/or participate with one of their colleagues or friends.


Monday 11/6 | 17.00-20.00
Negotiations and assertiveness ׀ Eleni Plessa
Do you know how to claim those that you want or that are yours, for example a raise or a more suiting allocation of office jobs? Do you feel that you are heard when you ask for something or do you tremble negotiations and usually end up feeling at the end exhausted – and just plain lost? At this hands-on workshop we will learn basic techniques of negotiating, focusing on the challenges we meet most often – as we have been trained to – us women: the lack of self-confidence, the uncritical acceptance of the authority we have across us, the fear to pressure of disappoint our fellow coworker. This way, we will get all the tools we need to claim our equal rights and needs and deal with each negotiation not as a nightmare but as an opportunity.

Tuesday 12/6 | 17.00-20.00
Promote yourself correctly online ׀ Stella Kasdagli
What impression do I give to potential employers, customers or colleagues before they meet me? How do I present myself and my job online? How can I make good use of the digital world in order to establish myself as an expert in my field and how can I avoid mistakes that will harm the impression others make of me? In this workshop, through practical exercises, we will learn to create content that supports and doesn’t ambush our professional image. This way we can build and broaden our audience that follows and appreciates our work, expand our network, easily attract business proposals and collaborations and/or use the internet to help us take the next business step.

Wednesday 13/6 | 17.00-20.00
What do you want to be when you grow up? ׀ Eva Karamargiou & Pinelopi Theodorakou
If you always knew what job you wanted to do, this seminar is not for you. If however…
– You are at a job that doesn’t fulfill you but you have no idea what else you could do
– You feel you have no real talent
– You feel you like lots of things and can’t focus on one
…then this seminar may help you plan, simply and effectively, your next steps. In 3 hours, through practical exercises, we will look in depth at the questions that will help you find the answer to the one million dollar question: what do you want to be when you grow up?

Thursday 14/6 | 17.00-20.00
Business Plan 101 – How to build a business idea ׀ Dimitris Kouletsis
What’s standing in the way of putting your business idea in action? Is it maybe the fact that you don’t have the right business plan to support it? In this 3 hour workshop: We will understand in depth the value of having a business plan in order to advance, finance and sustain any business idea. We will use practical exercises to work on the content, the way to create and the writing of a business plan. We will start with getting the right tools (budget, marketing, strategy) in order to see our idea take form. We will obtain all the benefits that a venture like this stores for us personally, building a foundation for success for any business plan.

Friday 15/6 | 17.00-20.00
Take control of your finances ׀ TBC
The goal of this seminar is to learn the necessary tools in order to get back the control of our finances. In other words we will learn: how to make a budget and how to monitor it, how to create a realistic savings account, how to pay our debts back successfully and how to invest – all this without fear and agitation, but easily and successfully. Some questions we will answer are:

– What is the easiest way to create a budget?
– How do I evaluate my budget and monitor my consistency with it?
– Is it worth first paying off my debts and then saving or the other way around?
– What can I do if I reach a point of desperation with my debt?
– How can I save money when I only get paid so little?
– How will I find the best first investment for me?

Because money may not be everything, it is however a necessary tool in order to start making your dreams come true.

Δευτέρα 18/6 | 10.00-13.00
The key to finding a job: searching, CVs, interviews ׀ Eva Karamargiou
Are you looking for your next job but feel like you are constantly going in circles around yourself? Have you sent out many CVs and completed many job applications but have gotten nowhere? Are you going to interviews but are not getting the response you had hoped for? In this 3 hour workshop: You will learn the most effective ways of looking for a job using your network, the old fashioned ways and of course, through social media. You will get information that will help you create the best CV you ever had and help you avoid mistakes most people do without realizing. You will get the tools that will allow you to bring your best self in any interview, to help you deal with your stress, to give the best answers and to ask the best questions.

Τρίτη 19/6 | 10.00-13.00
How to network successfully even if you hate networking ׀ Stella Kasdagli
Even if you are aware of the value a broad and powerful social network has and on which you can count on for every business step, there are many obstacles that you may feel are blocking you way towards it. You may not know where to begin or the idea of talking to people you don’t know may feel scary. Maybe you are ashamed and believe that everyone else is better than you or you may just not have the time to do everything that you think is needed in order to form a network. In this workshop you will get the tools you need to face all these restrictions and create a powerful social network that will completely change your professional (and maybe even your personal) life.

Τετάρτη 20/6 | 10.00-13.00
The secrets of presentations in front of an audience ׀ Alexia Axioti
Do you want to share a story with your friends, to present an idea to next week’s board meeting or to talk at a national conference about your job? The ‘secret ingredients’ are all the same! In this workshop we will find a way to work with more confidence, to use our body language and the correct words in order to express our ideas and to get over the stress and nervousness that talking in front of an audience may cause. We will learn tools to communicate, strategies and easy to use advice that will bring quick results. Finally, we will use coaching exercises that will help us put these techniques to good use. At the end of this workshop you will have learnt to: organize your thoughts, talk slow, naturally and with confidence, breathe correctly, build on your style of talking by using your body language, control your facial expressions, deal with nervousness, connect your voice, eye contact and gestures in order to create an exciting style of communication, no matter what audience you have in front of you.

Thursday 21/6 | 10.00-13.00
My own personal saboteur ׀ Venia Delikaterini
We all carry our own restrictive beliefs, our own personal saboteur. They are with us in every new step, in every new start. They are the one that when we give them space, will hear them saying ‘Where will you go? You won’t make it. You can’t. You don’t have the ability’. They are the one that will convince us we really can’t do it. In this seminar, using psychodrama, we will answer the next questions:
– What can I do with my personal saboteur?
– Who are they and why are they giving me so much trouble?
– Can I indeed get rid of them or can I maybe accept them as part of myself?
– Can I make peace with them?
A workshop that is addressed to those who want to investigate their personal saboteur and come into contact with those that give them trouble deep down, so that they can take the next step with more confidence, free from their beliefs that hold them back.

Friday 22/6 | 10.00-13.00
Win back your lost time ׀ Pinelopi Theodorakou
If you are always feeling pressured, if you feel that you don’t have enough time for what you want or what you need to be done (or both), if you complain that the hours of the day are not enough and that you are always rushing, without finally achieving much, then this seminar is for you.
What does effective time management really mean? Why do you need it? What do you have to lose or to win?
In this seminar we will learn:
– The benefits of successful time management
– What gets in the way of effective time management and how to get over it
– How can you handle time correctly and what do you need to change
– What skills you need to get back control of time throughout the day and how to make more of it.
– Practical solutions and basic techniques for time management.