
Girls for Change | An empowerment circle for teenage girls

calendar icon 11 November 2022 — 16 December 2022
calendar icon 17:00 — 19:00
calendar icon Athens
Event category: Empowerment, Workshops

Information: 6 two-hour meetings
Dates: 11-18-25/11 + 2-9-16/12
Times: 17:00-19:00
Facilitators: Penelope Theodorakakou, Co-Founder of Women On Top
Susana Papafagou, Clinical Psychologist – Group / Family Psychotherapist

WoT announces an empowerment cycle for teenage girls aged 14-17, which consists of 6 two-hour workshops that have a strong experiential and practical character, as, beyond theory, they focus on practical tools, targeted activities and exchange of experiences, so that the participants can have, from the first moment, the opportunity to cultivate new skills and manage more effectively the challenges they face.

During the experiential workshops, the participants will have the opportunity to strengthen their safety net, to get in touch with each other, to question and express themselves on issues concerning the sense of their image (internal and external), their relationship with their body, their friendships, their position in the family, but also their position in public life in general.

They will also have the opportunity to question themselves in relation to their personal history, their desires and their dreams for the future.

They will thus be able to shape, each one for herself, their whole story, for the new paths that will lead them to adulthood, strengthening their self-confidence and acquiring practical tools to manage challenges with greater confidence.

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