FοWoSE | For the promotion of women's (social) entrepreneurship

FoWoSe: Fostering women's social entrepreneurship through the gender mainstreaming of support structures.

Through this project, we train and guide organizations involved in the promotion of entrepreneurship, so that they become more equal, first as employers, and then towards the entrepreneurs they support. We aim to foster a more inclusive mindset in incubators, NGOs, business competitions and funding organizations, so that they in turn promote the equal participation of women in entrepreneurship. 

To achieve this, we will create, in collaboration with the project partners, a series of methodological and educational tools to support women entrepreneurs and the organizations that can, with the right programs, empower them.

FοWoSE is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, and it is implemented by the organization PULSE, with the collaboration of Women on Top (Greece), Empow’Her (France), Reach for Change (Bulgaria) and Synthesis (Cyprus).

It includes 3 difference steps:

  • Create: In this step we create the methodology by which organizations can integrate gender issues into their internal structure and operations. We then develop training tools to upskill their staff so they can better train and support women entrepreneurs. Finally, we are putting together a handbook of good practices in gender mainstreaming, at structural and programmatic levels, designed to help organizations become more inclusive of women entrepreneurs.

  • Testing: In this step, the project implementation partners can test the tools aimed at women entrepreneurs and give feedback for the improvement of these tools, before their widespread implementation.

  • Dissemination: The goal of this step is to disseminate the training tools and make them freely available to other organizations, so as to raise awareness in the wider ecosystem.

The FoWoSe project is funded by the Erasmus+ project of the EU