Financial Literacy Guide for Trainers

Categories: News, Tools

This Financial Literacy Guide is our contribution to the need we observe by experience and research, for more and more women to start taking control of their finances and grow professionally, creatively and socially, using money not as an end in itself, but as a valuable tool.

Our goal is not to discount women’s abilities to understand the financial information already available to them, but to acknowledge the fact that such information is not enough, taking into account the centuries of stereotypical exclusion of women from financial information and management, and financial decision-making centers. The line between the two is fine, but we like to believe that, with the necessary vigilance and constant feedback, we can walk it successfully.

For all the rest we need your contribution: the time, knowledge, energy and dedication of professionals who embark on this journey with us and commit to using the material in this guide to support as many women as possible in their own -personal and collective- path to a safer, interesting, transformative, equal and rich future.

We rely on your sensitivity, interest, instinct and hard work to make this material your own and to help us, over the coming months and years, to enrich it, develop it, specialize it or expand it, and to reach the hands, ears and minds of as many trainers and beneficiaries throughout Greece as possible.

This is how we will know that we have contributed in the effort to make our families, businesses, organizations and society more equal and actually inclusive.

This guide was created in the framework of the Economy Class project, which was a part of the Active citizens fund program, implemented by Women On Top. The Active citizens fund program, amounting to €12m, is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the financial mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The program aims to strengthen the sustainability of civil society and to highlight its role in promoting democratic processes, strengthening citizens’ participation in society and defending human rights. The management of the grant of the Active citizens fund program for Greece has been jointly undertaken by the Bodosaki Foundation and SolidarityNow. See more: www.activecitizensfund.gr